Metro Rollers

Location: Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) military base
Bowling Center: Potomac Lanes
Day & Start Time: Sundays, 5:00pm
(pratice begins at 4:50 p.m.)
Season Start/End Date: Currently on break for COVID-19.
Info E-mail:
League Contact(s): Dwayne R. Freeman, President
Details: The JBAB military requires that all potential bowlers at Potomac Lanes Bowling Center provide a copy of their state issued ID or passport before they will be added to the list for access to the base. In order to establish access, each bowler will need to:
  • Send a copy of ID to:
  • Metro Rollers secretary will secure your information and send to JBAB staff.
  • JBAB will approve and add bowler name to list for access
  • Shortly afterwards, a military issued ID will be given to each bowler for access each Sunday for bowling
We are committed to protecting each individual’s privacy and personal information. If you have any questions or apprehensions, please send me a message to the above email address [include your phone number if you’d like me to call you], and I will respond to you within 24 to 48 hours. We have become very experienced in this process and will be able to work out any concerns that you may be experiencing. We have had many satisfied participants. We will need this information by August 10, 2016. However, if not possible, contact me anyway and we will determine if we can provide another avenue to still join.